New MidiEnglish
(2024 Edition)
Now Available!

New MidiEnglish is an English program for children aged 3 to 12 years. The program comprises a series of thematic readers, storybooks, phonics readers, speaking and conversation readers, workbooks, interactive multimedia resources for teachers, and a student app that empowers children to learn progressively and independently.

Learning Resources | MidiEnglish

MidiEnglish programs bring together the best in print and technology, to give children an immersive and engaging learning experience.

Print materials including readers, workbooks, flashcards and posters are complemented by animated stories, lively songs and jingles, as well as interactive multimedia. Teachers are provided with lesson guides and resources to deliver a complete blended learning experience.

MidiEnglish learning resources are also made available on multiple platforms including interactive whiteboards in the classroom and mobile apps that facilitate home learning for students.


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MidiPhonics | MidiEnglish


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Kindergarten | MidiEnglish


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Primary | MidiEnglish

ESL Music

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ESL Music | MidiEnglish
